Sunday, January 27, 2013

Imperial Guard - Marbo

I'm surprised that I had enough time this morning to work on Marbo. I'd say that he's 90% there. Maybe just some pencil on the Ripper Pistol, and he's done. I tried to adjust these images in photoshop as they came out exceptionally dark, but that's about as good as it's going to get.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Grey Knight Rhino #1

I didn't get much time to put in on this today. Painted some more red on the side panels, black on the bolter and detail bits. I at least had enough time to layout the top hatch design and get a first coat of red and white in. My little boy just woke up now, so it's time to put everything away for now.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Imperial Bastion #2

So, tonight I sponged on some more color to the base of this guy, then I went to town with the weathering powders on the roof plate. I used an assortment of Vallejo and secret weapon powders on this. Finally finished it off with some pencil to sharpen up some edges.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Imperial Bastion #1

So, I got some of the first bits of this guy based down last night. Just lightly brushed a mix of greys and browns and slathered it on roughly.