Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tau Empire - Piranha, Part V

I've only got tonight to finish this guy, and then somehow get it over to the GW store on Wednesday. There's only weathering to do though, so I'm pretty confident that it'll get done. I tried to lighten up the darks on this, but it's just not that good of a photo. The brown pattern isn't even close to being that dark. :S

And here's a pic uploaded from last night.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Backlog

So, I took a set of photos a while back to help me get a general idea of what I have in my cabinets, and what I should really start working on.
The set of cabinets on the left.
Grey Knights, Imperial Guard and a Monster Hunter figure.
Imperial Guard :O

Holding bin for trays, and the Monolith.

Those pretty sweet Necron flyers, and some WM/DW minis.
Super Dungeon Explore, Tomb King monster and misc models.

Vendetta #1, and labelled bits for IG and Necrons.

Some CoA Turrets for DW, and a Tau Devilfish primed (see other posts about this guy)

The cabinet on the right.

Top drawer- Foam Tool, GK Rhino and a pair of Ghost Arks.

Vic Mini Rough Riders and some misc IG/GK models.
More misc IG models and Stormlord Tank.

A bunch of Grey Knights in a foam tray (too short) as well as the compressor.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tau Empire - Piranha, Part IV

I went back over the tan to get it nice and bright (looked pretty dim the next day), and put down all of the dark patterned bits on the camo in Rhinox Hide. Since I had thinned it pretty good, I also went over their fatigues, and worked on a Pathfinder to use as reference on the rest of the infantry. I'll then paint similar triangles in Astronomicon Grey before moving onto the different materials on the vehicles. I'm pretty sure I'll wash the infantry down with Agrax Earthshade, but not sure about the vehicles. Maybe I'd thin it down and go just into the cracks.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tau Empire - Piranha, Part III

More airbrush work this evening. I may want to add some lighter flecks to the pattern, but I think it came out alright. With the left over paint, I hit the craters and some building pieces.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Tau Empire - Piranha, Part II

I have a goodly amount of Tau that had already been primed. I figured that now was as good a time as any to get some color on them. And that means breaking out the airbrush. I overestimated how much I'd need, so I had enough left over to spray onto a terrain piece and some craters. Good progress was made this morning. Next I'll start making some masks to help for spraying the camp pattern on with. But that means I need to decide what kind of pattern to make.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tau Empire - Piranha, Part I

So, I just picked this guy up from the local GW store for this months painting contest. Since this is an older kit, there were a lot of areas that did not quite match up as well as fairly basic instructions. I had to break out the putty and smooth out all the big gaps.

All primed as well as some other bits and pieces tonight.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Change of pace - Monster Hunter

A short break from 40k today. I've been spending a few minutes each day filing, drilling and pinning the main pieces of this character. Also have a shot of her in her separate assemblies.