Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Backlog

So, I took a set of photos a while back to help me get a general idea of what I have in my cabinets, and what I should really start working on.
The set of cabinets on the left.
Grey Knights, Imperial Guard and a Monster Hunter figure.
Imperial Guard :O

Holding bin for trays, and the Monolith.

Those pretty sweet Necron flyers, and some WM/DW minis.
Super Dungeon Explore, Tomb King monster and misc models.

Vendetta #1, and labelled bits for IG and Necrons.

Some CoA Turrets for DW, and a Tau Devilfish primed (see other posts about this guy)

The cabinet on the right.

Top drawer- Foam Tool, GK Rhino and a pair of Ghost Arks.

Vic Mini Rough Riders and some misc IG/GK models.
More misc IG models and Stormlord Tank.

A bunch of Grey Knights in a foam tray (too short) as well as the compressor.

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